Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Tool 10

  • Three things I would make sure my students understand about being good digital citizen are:

  1. The importance of safely navigate and keep themselves safe from strangers, as my students are very young the sites they visit will need to be approved by me or a trusted adult . 
  2. Personal responsibilities
  3. Make them aware that not everything on the internet is true and they need to verify information with different sources.

  • I would like to use BrainPop, NetSmarthz Kids, CyberSmart Young Kids. These resources have a variety of age appropriate videos that will help them to learn about Digital Citizenship.
  • I would make sure my students understand the concept of digital citizenship by making a comparison of just being a regular community citizen and a digital citizen. We will review rules in our classroom. make connections with good citizenship in our class and find similarities and differences between the both. 
  • I plan to share the idea of digital citizenship with my students' parents as part of my agenda during Open House as well as during parent/teacher conferences. We need to educate the parents so they can help their kids to have a better understanding of this concept.

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