Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Tool 5

Me gustan los animales by montoy2m on Storybird

I learned a lot about all of the different tools available, but the two I choose were Storybird and animoto. Storybird is a website where you can create your own stories using images provided for different artists .  In kindergarten, we can create stories using new vocabulary or high frequency words,  read it in whole group and then students can practice independently during workstations.We also could created our stories together as a class and emphasize on the different story elements.
I have used Smilebox which is like animoto to  make videos of students on workstations and use it for open house.  Parents love to see their kids in action, they also get an idea of what is happening in the classroom. I would like to use animoto to create videos to introduce different social or science units of study.

Click to play this Smilebox slideshow
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Personalize your own free photo slideshow

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Tool 4

Using Google Docs will help our team to share documents and gather information quickly. We can use Google Docs to collaborate on Lesson Plans, Roadmaps, Newletters, etc. For example we can add, change or review information in our Team minutes form before our instructional meetings and in this way we can be better prepared and make our meetings more efficient. I created and sent my team a quick survey about summer school. It was easy and very helpful.!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Tool # 3

I'm very familiar with Discovery Education and I've been using it because has videos on our units of study. I also have used youtube a few times but never had used Teacher Tube or SchoolTube before. I found some videos that I can use in my classroom. I embedded 2 different videos, one from youtube and one from teachertube. I like the idea of sharing them with my team.
I just created my Dropbox account. I use to save files in different locations and then can't find them. Dropbox will be a time saver by providing organization and easy access to the information we need in different devices.

I found this video is a great song to teach shapes. It will be very helpful for my students to learn or review the shapes in a different way.

Nice Spanish alphabet song from teachertube.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Tool # 2

As an educator I’m always looking for other people’s educational websites or blogs to get some new ideas that I can use in my classroom. I usually don’t leave any comments on a blog, mainly due to privacy and time.
I’m part of Proteacher a professional community where you can chat, share and get different ideas from class websites or classroom blogs.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Tool #1

My experience to date has been OK. I have followed all the instructions which are very clear. The videos have been a big help and even though I could't attend the initial training due to my maternity I haven't found any major challenges. I also enjoy creating my avatar and using the different options available.